Conceived as a separate accessory building for a homeowner, this new structure's goal is to provide the owners and their guests a dedicated space for self-study, meditation, yoga and personal growth.
The building's design focuses on man's relationship with nature. The symmetrical floor plan was conceived as a square to symbolize man's goal of being connected with the elements in the world. Locally sourced materials such as cedar, big leaf maple and loon lake ledge stone express the beauty of materials found in nature. The windows were symmetrically placed to provide privacy, connect with the garden, filter light and showcase custom stained glass art windows commissioned by the owner. Outside of the French doors, a garden provides gathering space and an informal path to the water fountain. Inside the building, a masonry wall conceived with nine candle niches provide an opportunity for intimate low lighting during meditation. Outside, a stone fountain can be heard from within and enjoyed from outside.
"The new building is beautiful, I love it. Thank you."
~ Sacred Space Client
General Contractor: Toth Construction