When working on a preliminary idea for a project, we’ll draw up space-planning diagrams to communicate room adjacencies, illustrate circulation patterns, identify desired views, and demonstrate an understanding of how spaces could connect and function together. These simple graphic diagrams are sometimes called bubble diagrams - yet, when an experienced architect collaborates with you on a concept in the early stages of design, these quick sketches can become the ideas that form the basis of a home layout or building addition.
At the micro level, space planning gets detailed. Once the wall locations are defined, the work focuses on maximizing the usable space for typical elements that are needed in a home such as cabinets, furniture, and plumbing. Successfully orchestrating all the details results in an organized space that not only works for your lifestyle, but flows and visually connects you to the site by capturing the views you desire.
AKJ Architects has planned numerous designs for each space in a typical home, including foyer expansions, complex media rooms, multi-functional kitchens, and very small yet highly coordinated custom apartments. In each unique situation, space planning was the one of the priorities for generating a successful design and the tools we used to describe to our clients how the space will work when completed. For space planning to be most effective, our firm recommends that space planning be documented on paper before any construction is started.